Best NFL Quarterbacks of All-Time

As the NFL’s quarterback position becomes more and more important, the stats at this position are also rising to new heights. But, before everyone aired the ball out play after play, many quarterbacks have to manage the game to find ways to win. Here are the top quarterbacks of all-time.
4 – Brett Favre
The one-time NFL champion makes the list for a few reasons: grit, determination, and a stubborn way of playing the game. There certainly was not a hole that Favre did not think he could throw the ball into. There were times this haunted the wily quarterback, but he had more success than not doing it.
3 – John Elway

John Elway had one of the best arms in football when he was playing in the 80s and 90s. After losing 3 Super Bowls, Elway won back-to-back in 1997 and 1998, as he rode off into retirement. He certainly was one of the most mobile quarterbacks around as well.
2 – Peyton Manning
Currently, Manning holds almost every passing record there is, for now. With Manning 2 Super Bowl victories, one with the Colts and the other with the Broncos, he was a champion through and through. He certainly is bound for Canton.
1 – Joe Montana
Considered widely as the greatest quarterback of all-time because Montana won 4 Super Bowls. Montana also won 3 MVPs. In the 1984 season, Montana led the troops to the tune of 18-1 during the regular season, wrapping up the Super Bowl with ease.