Don’t Pimp My Ride: 40+ Awful and Tacky Paint Jobs

By Aileen D

These owners had a vision for their car. So they set about making it come true. It’s just that their vision and reality didn’t coincide. The result? 40+ of the Worst Paint Jobs Ever! The lesson of the story is – don’t buy a car if you intend to trash it like this.

Believe us; you’re guaranteed to stick with the neutral, boring colors. All that matters is that your car can transport you safely to your destination. Play it safe. These horrendous designs are set to cause a traffic jam. Imagine cruising the highway at 70 mph, looking like a hazard sign. Cars are bound to swerve abruptly and then crash into each other, anything just to avoid the disaster that your car looks like!

The Rich and the Famous

The lifestyles of the rich and the famous are anything but logical. We can’t understand how Joel Thomas Zimmerman, professionally known as Deadmau5, customized his Ferrari 458 Spider like this. When you’re loaded with money, you would probably have cats shooting rainbows out its rear end.

Image courtesyof History UK

The question on everyone’s mind is – how did Ferrari take the customized Purrari? Well, they weren’t happy with it. They sought legal recourse. Within a couple of weeks, they sent Deadmau5 a cease-and-desist letter to remove the design. The company won the battle, but that didn’t keep Deadmau5 from adding more sportscars to his collection.

Hissing Speed

Someone thought it was a good idea to bring paint jobs to life. What better character to play the part than a Chinese dragon? Its fiery snout exhales scalding steam. Stand by this car, and you risk having your legs being roasted.

Image courtesy of Best Funnies

In China, dragons symbolize luck, power, and nobility. The only thing this decal is bringing is bad luck. We don’t know where this dragon gets its firepower from. We hope it isn’t a sign that the car is overheating. Would you consider having this design done on your car? Everything about it screams, “give me attention!”.

Ghetto Ride

It’s like Pennywise has taken a new form. Here you can see he has taken the shape of another clown – Ronald McDonald. It’s not like Ronald is doing anything harmful, but if you see a bunch of people decorating their car like a fast-food chain, you would get to thinking, what the devil is going on?

Image Courtesy of Toyota 4 runner

We’re just not lovin’ it! We’re already weirded out by clowns. Seeing a couple of folks cruising the neighborhood with clown dolls scares us further. Can someone tell them to tone it down a bit? At this rate, they might run the fast-food company out of business!

Dirt Car Bugatti

Here’s the new Bugatti! It’s top of the line, hi-tech, and exotic. Its price range is as exclusive as your taste. You can bet you’ll be cruising down that highway faster than anyone could bat an eye. Fetching a couple of million dollars, this Bugatti is a pocket-clincher – just not for its horsepower.

Image courtesy of Autoblog

It’s a pocket-clincher for the design. Imagine having the money to purchase one and then customizing its design to make it look like any other car in the ghetto. Who in their sane mind would trash this beauty? There’s really nothing as exclusive as having to be able to buy a Bugatti. So it’s best to stick with the default design.

Aching To Go

Whatever your morning routine is, we’re sure this is included up top. You may turn the faucet on as if to set the mood. You’ll exhale deeply and then spread the newspaper to read the front news. Sometimes, you get the stomach-churning ache. That’s telling you that it’s time to go…to the toilet.

Image Courtesy of Auto Josh

Now imagine driving this car to work. That’s a great way to make a lasting impression on peers and superiors. Better hope that they’ve got a good sense of humor. After all, everybody does it. It’s just that not everyone broadcasts it and smears it on the body of their car.

Just In Time for Fashion Week

This season’s fashion items have come a bit too late. With people working at home, designers are forced to critique every detail virtually. Can you imagine how difficult that is – having to zoom in on buttons and fabric? Webcams don’t afford much access to differences in texture and taste. But it’s a good thing that one of fashion’s leading designers have been able to show us a peek of their collection.

Image courtesy of E Online

If anyone wants to frustrate someone, better have a paint job like this. When we see Chanel over fashion items, we immediately think “big bucks.” But everything about this design screams bargain-price. This car could have been a classic if it was maintained in good condition, and the owner kept it true to the original design.

Wing It Like Bob Ross

Decades after his premier, Bob Ross is still making rounds on the internet. Can you blame him? He has an eye for detail and a stoic calm to instill inner peace. With a light touch and a few dabs, he can recreate a scenic background. He’ll make it look like winter in spring. As he has always said, you too can paint almighty pictures.

Image Courtesy of Know Your Meme

And that is just what this guy did. It’s no happy little accident that this kitty is spinning pepperoni pizza. It also appears like you are in a picture of a picture and that your reality is dependent on your worldview. See how it fades right into nothing? That’s just what you’re looking for. Staring at this paint job is like staring at the void. We can’t make definite sense of it.

Bug In Woods

Usually, car bodies are made of lightweight but durable material. Steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber help keep you safe from rough impact. These also allow you to cruise with the least expenditure of energy. But someone observed that these aren’t eco-friendly materials. So how about creating a car body with wood?

Image courtesy of Under Consideration

Look, it’s a bug in the woods! To be specific, it’s a VW bug made out of 50,000 pieces of Oak. That’s right; there’s nothing eco-friendly about this build given that there had been that many Oaks sacrificed to build it. It had taken the Bosnian creator over two years to finish the project. He did it in his garden workshop. Must have been a hectare of forest land!

Take it With the Salad

We’re certain you have encountered people like this. Their clothes are threadbare, not necessarily from the number of washes their clothes have undergone. But by the strain of flesh against cloth. They’ll sumo walk towards the aisle and then order for a family. At the end of it all, they’ll say, “we’ll take that with the salad.”

Image courtesy of Sumo Salad

They’re on a diet, you see. And all that food that they have ordered is just for one. It’s good that they have ordered some greens. Those have fiber to help cleanse out the system. But it’s also important to eat in moderation. How about telling that to this driver who rides the sumo salad? Pretty unflattering.

Firefighters Must Be Lovin’ This

There’s an unwritten rule amongst firefighters in this neighborhood. They would slide down the chute or pole and urgently hop into their firetrucks, except for this report. If a call comes in about this pick-up truck, ask this question. Can you actually smell smoke?

Image Courtesy of Just Air Brush

Because if not, chances are you’ve been duped by this airbrush. It’s so rad, a newbie would think this car is going up in flames. That’s why the local firefighters have requested callers to smell the perimeter before jumping into the firetruck. No amount of water can douse this flame.

Prey Eat Predator

In the wild, anything can happen. Prey can occasionally escape their predators. But what happens if two predatory animals are pitted against each other. What would happen if a cheetah came across an African Rock Python?

Image courtesy of Hot Cars

The answer depends on size. If it’s an adult Cheetah, it can outrun the stealthy snake. If the African Rock Python is tons heavier than the Cheetah, then you’d arrive with this custom paint job. At least, that’s what this picture seems to say to us. That Cheetah is suspended in time, as it is suspended in the bowels of that unforgiving predator.

Think Russian

Winter in Russia can bring harsh temperatures of about minus 26. That unforgiving cold would snuff out anyone, except Russians. These people have created the mental fortitude and strength to withstand the icy climate. They’re tough. There’s no denying that, especially when a person chooses a paint job like this.

Image Courtesy of Storova / Imgur

Imagine it. Would you be able to stand the jeers of your friends as they see this design? They might trash this car altogether. To play it safe, we’d probably take public transportation, seeing how this car is fit to be hung in the living room. Who finds inspiration in curtains and default wallpapers?

Too Much Disney

Someone has had too many reruns of Disney. We understand watching Ariel over and over again as kids…but Finding Nemo, seriously? The story teaches us several lessons. For one, flounder, but keep on swimming! Make friends along the way, and lastly, stay clear of designs such as this.

Image Courtesy of Laver dad Noticias

In Finding Nemo, we learned that it’s important to face our fears and overcome adversity. In doing so, our horizons widen, and we gain a deeper understanding of the world beyond us. But the only fearful thing this design is giving us is a lack of style! We don’t know what lesson we could learn from this. For sure, someone should stop watching the movie.

Friendly Misnomer

If there’s anything we hate, it’s being tricked. We were minding our business, going on a morning jog, when we came across this Beetle. Tell us, does this look anything like a beetle? It doesn’t! That’s quite a trick our neighbor played on us.

Image Courtesy of Bakfiets Family

To be fair, he probably had it designed like a turtle because of its engine power. In its heyday, the Volkswagen Beetle was fast. You could reach 70 miles per hour in about thirty seconds. At present, you could find so many cars on the market that could get you to cruise the same speed in only four seconds.

Fist Bump

We’re not sure just what the owner had in mind or how he had made two hands spring from the hood of his car. We’re almost certain these are paper-mache. Can you imagine a grown man mixing 1 part glue to 2 parts water and then dousing shreds of paper in them to form fist bumps?

Image Courtesy of Car Throttle

It’s not like it was for a project or anything. It was for the hood of his car! The only thing that paper-mache is good for is if we were feeling lonely, and we had crossed upon this car at a pedestrian. It would be an affront not to do a fist bump! Rock on, man!

Only Out At Night

Some folks have a need for speed. Others have a love for blood. It’s easy to guess that’s this owner’s little fetish. After all, his decal features the nightmarish Alp. Owing to German lore, this shape-shifting vampire has a preference for breast milk. But it’ll feed on men and children alike.

Image Courtesy of storova / Imgur

If that decal isn’t enough to haunt you, we don’t know what will. We had hoped that daylight would keep it from coming out of its cave. But that didn’t do. It’s out and prowling in the daytime! Lore states that it loses most of its power without its hat. Maybe we could take cover while this Alp’s hair is brushing against the wind.

Something’s Hungry

You wouldn’t guess by the looks of it, but this is a Ford pickup truck. The seller had found it sitting idly in a junk shop. The engine was working, and he thought, “why not.” So long as he could pimp his new ride for a couple of bucks, it was a good investment.

Image Courtesy of Pepe Maqueo

It’s just that with the passing of days, this truck had gotten hungrier of mileage. The custom paint job and decals made it look like a voracious eater, too, ready to chomp down on anything that crosses its path. We don’t know about you, but it reminds us of someone with bucked teeth. Pretty unattractive, right?

Get Yourself An Anti-Tetanus Shot

Buying a car isn’t as expensive as maintaining it. As with pets, you have to have it checked by professionals. They have to gauge the amount of engine oil, coolant, and brake fluids. You will need a budget for these to be replaced when needed. And the most important part is to give it a good wash!

Image courtesy of Auto Salon TV

Otherwise, rust may set in. This design is so realistic you might get Tetanus by just looking at it. So many people have run their hands against the side of the car, only to find out that it’s smooth as a baby’s butt. Either way, it’s a sore sight. If you want to devalue your car, here’s a surefire way of doing it.

Colorin’ Wednesday

Okay, class, can you remember what today is? That’s right; it’s Wednesday. What do we do on Wednesdays? We color! Very good! Now how about taking your coloring markers from your desks. We will be painting by numbers. You will color the spaces according to the number the color is assigned. This car’s entirety is 0.

Image Courtesy of Hot Cars

On the chart, 0 is black. It’s as if someone asked you to paint the void on this car. He must have wanted to save money. Because instead of having a professional spray paint it, he colored it with a black marker. Imagine if he had colored it with a whiteboard marker. That would have been funny. All that effort for nothing!

Barbie DreamHouse

Every little girl wishes to own the complete set of Barbie’s DreamHouse. The walls are colored pink, and the cabinets are full of fluff and cotton candy. The whole house is voice-controlled, beating the likes of Alexa and Siri. There are a total of eight rooms, with all-angle play. Included in the set is a pool and this Pink Bugatti Veyron.

Image Courtesy of Top Speed

This car has three handling modes, the fastest of which allows Barbie to cruise up to 410 kilometers per hour. There are only 450 Veyrons on the market. If you can’t secure one in real life, might as well secure one for Playhouse Barbie. License and batteries are not included.

Seems Legit

If you can ruin a car with a botched paint job, then you can similarly increase its value with an ingenious design! So how do we come up with a brilliant concept? First, we must keep it simple. Second, it must be a concept everyone knows about. Third, keep it enviable. This car owner had the perfect design…

Image Courtesy of Town and Country Mag

Almost. Sure, it’s simple. He had the words painted on his trunk. But, clearly, it had been misspelled. Second, the brand Porsche is something everyone knows about. They feature top-of-the-line cars. But this model isn’t one of theirs. Lastly, Porsche is enviable, but this car’s specs aren’t. Well, top marks for effort!

On A High

Like alcohol, it’s a pro tip to take psychedelics with friends. Someone has to drive everybody else home. This someone also guarantees that you don’t do anything stupid – such as riding on high and getting a custom paint job like this. It’s a blazing hazard sign for cops!

Image courtesy of E Baums World

Really, Puss riding a magical unicorn? He’s as defiant as ever, but this time he has armed himself with a cowboy’s revolver. Maybe a cat was this person’s spirit animal. Or maybe that was the safest astral form to project himself in as he travels several galaxies. We can only imagine what truths he had discovered.

Modern Day Princess

What ride is fit for a tomcat princess? Take a few guesses. While you’re at it, why don’t you imagine one. It’s likely she’s going to attend several ceremonies with her entourage. So her car must be a reliable vehicle. Say, a Hummer?

Image courtesy of Top Speed

But being a princess, she wants them styled like a carriage. The perfect modification would be buggy carriage wheels! They hold up to 600 lbs – fit for the whole entourage and are made from solid steam-bent Hickory trees. She may not have horses tugging the carriage, but at least she’s sporting a ride with a touch of tradition.

Please Do

In the 90s, this rock band encountered a lot of intrigues. Even then, they were being mocked for being the most pop band in the label company, Roadrunner Records. To this day, some bands believed that they were the first of many mediocre bands the record company signed with. Wondering which band? Nickelback!

Image Courtesy of zpoprocky / Reddit

So it’s hard to believe that rock and roll will never die. Nickleback pretty much snuffed it out. To add fuel to injury, other people blame the frontman, Chad Kroeger. He just isn’t the stuff of rockstars. He’s awkward, gangly, and he’s Canadian. Can you imagine the most polite citizens screaming at the top of their lungs, calling for mass riot? It just doesn’t fit.

Delivered Steaming Fresh

Every pizza man should have his car customized like this. This should raise sales by the end of the week. After placing an order, we would find ourselves salivating at the sound of the front doorbell ringing. But how would you like it if you heard the belch of a C3 Corvette running outside your door?

Image courtesy of Corvette Blogger

If it isn’t too obvious, this pizza man has a steaming devotion to delivering quality pizza in 30 minutes or less. That’s quality guaranteed, every time! In case you’re dissatisfied, he’ll take you on a ride and bring you to the nearest pizza shop. He’ll have that thick dough prepped right before you to your satisfaction!

Play It Cool

Everyone says that you should be yourself. But we say otherwise. If we showed our partners how big our appetite was for food and how quickly we can down beer kegs on the first date, we wouldn’t have a relationship at all! Sometimes, you have to win people’s trust with your good side before showing them how serpentine you really are.

Image Courtesy of Hot Cars

So it’s not a good idea to have your scales drawn all over your car. You could be true to yourself, but that doesn’t mean that you should have it publicly broadcasted. Play it cool. Give them the apple first before going in for the bite. It’s always juicier that way.

Have a Thing For Mini Coopers

It doesn’t seem like a thief’s ride, but it was a getaway car for high-class thieves in the movie, The Italian Job. This caper classic put the Mini Cooper on the map as a race car. You wouldn’t guess it from the looks of it – its edges are rounded and curvy. That cuddly bear design isn’t helping either.

Image Courtesy of Little Things

But that’s probably why high-end thieves chose this car. What cop would think it’s a getaway car? The reality is that it’s a savage little beast. It’s like a go-kart for adults! The pedals, gears, and the clutch remind you that it can max up to 80 mph at casual driving. So why not have a little fun?

When Life Gets Stressful, Just Ride

When life feels like it’s gripping you by the throat, take a little break. That space should help you put things into perspective. You could read a book, bat a few balls, take yourself out on a date, or hit the open road. But remember to keep safety in mind!

Image Courtesy of [deleted] / Reddit

As much as this senior citizen would like to ride a Harley, he can’t risk doing it on a luxe motorbike. He can, however, make his car look like a motorcycle. Other drivers might wonder how a motorbike can overtake them until they realize it’s really a mini-car cruising at top speed! Now, how about we get ourselves a car that looks like that!

Hot Dang

If you can’t get a new ride, might as well have your old vehicle redone. Let your imagination run free. It might take a little time, but it will all be worth it in the end. Let this revamp give existence to your ride…or, at the very least, draw existence from others.

Image Courtesy of Storova / Imgur

This ride is so scary the man in the back did a double-take. He stepped a few meters away from the car to see that paint job clearly. He must have seen it wrong. Hot dang, he thought. This belongs to someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. See how everyone else is walking on the other side of the road?

Curtains on Cars

That’s the easiest description for this- curtains on a car. Sure, we’ve blanked out at the velvety texture of those curtains our girlfriend has. We have run our fingers through it so many times. But it’s not worth an inspiration for a decal and then pasting it all over your Lexus.

Image Courtesy of Hot Cars

Can somebody take these down and then do a good job of rinsing them? Douse them in bleach and make sure that those golden leaflets fade. Rinse and repeat until a single hue emerges. Then wear it over the car. This design is giving us a migraine.

Snakes… On A Car

This action-thriller film is guaranteed to get your heart racing and your body going slack. Everyone is on the ride of their lives! Directed by David Ellis and starring Samuel Jackson, this movie is a cinematic experience. By the end of it, you will have had it with these motherf**** snakes! *cocks gun.

Image Courtesy of Pak Wheels

Literally – those are snakes on a car. As if the paint job wasn’t realistic enough, this car owner put a Green Anaconda and several Boa Constrictors to wrap the entirety of his ride. That’s a great way to make sure your car won’t get stolen. But then again, who would want it, with its horrendous design?

Gen Z

At first glance, we thought this person had taken inspiration from the Elements Table. But we couldn’t see the atomic number or any of the element’s letters in the middle. Upon closer inspection, we realized that the inspiration was a relic of the past. Ask any Gen Z-er! These cost a lot in their heyday.

Image Courtesy of Oswald Cobblepot / Reddit

These are floppy disks. And the more interesting fact about this car is that this was spotted in Cambridge. We shouldn’t be surprised that a geek has taken inspiration from the storage devices. This had been a mainstay of computing in the 90s. How fast time flies!

Smells Like Sulfur

Do you smell that? It smells of rot and ruin. It’s like someone had left a couple of eggs in the cupboard for weeks and then threw it at a wall for a joke. If you follow the scent, you will find yourself near the engine of this car. Its engine hisses, and the hood of its car gives off fiery heat.

Image Courtesy of Hot Air Brush

We think it’s about time that we call the local exorcist. Ring up Father Karras and tell him we need him stat. Let’s send this unspeakable horror to the depths where it belongs. Meanwhile, we’ll pray and hope that its owner changes his mind. It will probably be a cold day in hell before he does.

On A Budget

Being a cheapskate isn’t a bad thing, so long as you don’t overdo it. Instead of buying new things, you might decide to find treasures among trash. With some effort, you could revamp used clothes or a worn-down chair. On the other hand, you might sacrifice quality – kind of like how this car owner contracted a “professional” to do the job.

Image Courtesy of Auto Josh

No wonder the price. For a meager amount, this car owner bought himself a botched paint job. In less than an hour, the “professional” he contracted returned his ride and handed him the keys. He was so excited to show the car to his friends, only to find out that one shouldn’t scrimp on the quality of car upgrades.

Why We’re Going For Dogs

No. Just no. This is why we go for dogs almost every time. While we admire this person’s love for cats, we’d prefer that this person didn’t broadcast it. Can you look at those folds? If you saw this car from the side or the back, you would have thought it was pretty vulgar.

Image Courtesy of Pix Mafia

Yes, that’s a pussy cat! Sphynx cats are the only breed that lacks fur. But if you were to look closer, you would see that they have a very fine coat of fuzz. Don’t let their appearance deceive you. They’re as hardy as they come. As you can see above, they’re a bit of a handful too!

Just Another Day in Gotham

We’re die-hard fans of Batman. As we watched him tackle down the criminals, we had little doubt that he would ever be defeated. Every fight seemed effortless to him- what with his wealth and his strength. That is, until we saw the story of his life through this paint job. It’s so complicated; we’re grateful we’re looking in at the fishbowl Batman lives in.

Image courtesy of Killer Kitsch WordPress

You have got all these criminals and only one Caped Crusader to punish them. It must be very lonely being the Dark Knight, with little credit given to you. Good thing, he has got a loyal servant in Alfred and Robin. We just wish they had come sooner. The three of them could have talked this man out of this criminal customization.

Tweed Ride

This is the kind of ride that will make your glasses fog. You might want to take them off, blow a breath on them, and rub them over the hem of your shirt. You will want to see this beauty clearly – its lines running to and fro the side and back. What a tweed ride!

Image Courtesy of Pets Owner

It’s like someone took inspiration from Burberry. This design is so high-end we can’t come up with billionaires whose cars look like it. It’s that rare! Apart from that, it’s pretty genuine too. The metal plaque matches the color of the car’s hardware. On it is this engraving – Tweed Ride.

Make You Do a Doubletake

Some works of art are bound to make you do a doubletake. Breathtaking or utterly shocking, you might find your jaw slack and your eyes unblinking. There’s just nothing like these sights. They can put you in a trance.

Image Courtesy of za belin / Instagram

This paint job seems innocent until you see the Great White Shark looking menacingly at the other fish. Without going to a dentist, this shark keeps a perfect set of razor-sharp teeth – 300 at that! If you could, you would have warned the two little fishes that there was a looming monster behind them. But Disney fans like us know that deep down, this tough guy is a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.

Like They Do In The Movies

It’s cute how any boy dreams of becoming a pilot and then becoming something else. It’s not a bad thing. You could end up insanely rich like musician/artist Chris Brown. But it’s just not befitting that he’s driving a car that looks like a F-86 Sabre Fighter Jet.

Image courtesy of History UK

Airmen in the Air Force One live up to three core values – integrity, service before self, and excellence. Unfortunately, Chris Brown fails to live up to being a person with integrity. If you can’t remember that mishap with Rihanna, we suggest that you jog your memory. Can someone ban Chris from using this on his Lamborghini Gallardo? It’s better if he sticks to making music.

Eye Have Got the Balls

This is an uncanny way of telling your neighbors you have got cojones. Have customized upgrades done on your car’s engine and on its exterior. Afterward, rev it up and make some noise. Scare those who stare disapprovingly at you. Show them this unflinching eyeball!

Image Courtesy of Anest Iwata AU

This paint job must have taken half a day minimum. While we give due credit to the team, we think that this car’s design really goes down in flames. We have heard that blue is the hottest flame there is. Someone get a spray can and put it out of its misery.

The End of Days

He is the harbinger of bad news. The minute you see him sniffing the air and climbing rugged terrain, you know it will end in a catastrophe. He’s a harmless creature. Like the rest of us, he’s just trying to survive. But why does Scrat have to signal the new age?

Image Courtesy of Storova / Imgur

This saber-toothed squirrel once broke up a continent. He accidentally chipped off the whole landmass. How did he do it? He snatched an acorn chipped in the cracks of it. That chip tore the whole length of the massive continent we know as Pangaea. If it weren’t for him, travel to, and from countries would have been by land!

Looking Cheap

Although this car is a low-key supercar, it is one of the finest performance vehicles on the market. You could use it for your daily commute, but why trash it with ordinary wear-and-tear? In fact, why trash it at all, with this leopard print?

Image courtesy of Financial Express

Seeing that it’s Justin Bieber who is sporting the ride, you shouldn’t be surprised. One bit of good news is that this car only allows one other passenger, apart from the driver. How is that good? That way, there will be fewer people seeing this luxury car devalued for a cheap paint job.

Going Overboard

When we said to stick to boring, neutral colors, we meant to stick to the company design. We hadn’t meant that you should strip the car bare of its color as if to strip it of its individuality. This looks like a hospital on wheels! The only thing that’s missing is a patch of red paint with the print YCNEGREME.

Image Courtesy of History UK

In case you are wondering, this is rapper Will.I.Am’s Delorean DMC-12.In Back to the Future, it had a stainless steel look. That is actually because the car is made out of the same stuff beer kegs and restaurant kitchen counters are made off. Guess the rapper didn’t want his ride looking like a cheap diner. Can we take this on the go?

Band Geeks

It might be a stretch, but we’re pretty sure you’re thinking it too. In high school, there was a caste system. There were the popular kids, the stoners, the goths, the dorks, and the band geeks. All craved attention and acceptance. But each group satisfied that need differently.

Image courtesy of @RadityaRBLX_INA / Twitter

Band geeks are so enthusiastic about their instruments that you can’t help but be won over. Even if you trashed their music sheets and disturbed those quarter rests, you will see them practicing each week. You should give them more respect. After all, who would blow their instruments so hard fire rung on the other end?

Making a Buck or Two

Of all the paint jobs on the list, this is the worst. Sure, it’s horrendous. Who would want to be stuck in traffic behind a bunch of troll dolls? But that isn’t the point. Back in the 60s, these Leprachauns cost only a couple of dollars. Shops, shelves, and closets were lined with them! But as the fad wore out, so did the supply of these Troll Dolls.

Image Courtesy of Sun Dried Obamas/ Imgur

The few existent ones can be found sparsely around the world. Most of them are probably glued to this car. Because of the limited number of Trolls, each doll grew in value. You could earn a sweet $25 to $200 a frizz of hair! So you can just imagine how much money is sitting on the trunk, roof, and bumpers of this car. And this person’s basically handing them out for free!

Anxiety Attack

Why do we love the Rubik’s Cube? For one, they’re a great way to stimulate the brain. After solving the puzzle, you will want to beat your time over and over again. The faster you finish the puzzle, the more rewarding it is! Second, you earn bragging rights. The fastest one to solve the cube gets to boss everyone else around.

Image courtesy of Rubik Cubik Russia

One person loved them so much they used it as their design inspiration for their Nissan Cube. The bad thing about this puzzle is that it can’t be solved. Anytime a Speedcuber encounters this ride, their fingers twitch. It’s even worse for the perfectionists. Each side has so many colors on it. Better to look away!

Grandma On the Run

One uneventful day, you get a call on your phone. Odd, you thought. It’s an unknown number. As you answer the call, you immediately turn the car around. You race towards a building that smells of Jello, juice packs, and closed cupboards. You have just learned that grandma is on the run!

Image courtesy of River North Collision Repair

It shouldn’t be that difficult to find her, not while she sports this getaway car. She has always loved her flowerbeds and had them stuck on her car. Thanks to this, you can track where grandma has gone. Go easy on her. Not every grandparent has a successful jailbreak from foster care.

In For A Road Rage

This is the stuff of Halloween movies. You have got a masked bloodthirst maniac on the loose, a rising body count, and a few helpless victims ambling around the neighborhood. The local police are stuck somewhere, or they have been dispensed with first. Outside, you hear tires skid against the rough gravel and a trail of blood coming from this.

Image Courtesy of My Cool Bin

Whose blood is that? Someone wake us from our nightmare! You run your finger through the body of the car. You lift it a foot away from your eyes. And you stare in denial. How could this be? The good news is that there’s no body count…not yet. Russian Alexander Belenky simply had the good-natured sense to have his Range Rover Evoque airbrushed. It’s as if he had run over a dozen people. You bet it has caused quite the stir!

All Grown Up

If you’re a 90s kid, you probably tuned in to Nickelodeon to watch this tv show. Each episode ran for about thirty minutes. In every one of them, there was a lot of Gerber, milk stains, and diapers lying around. Guess what? Those Rugrats have all grown up!

Image Courtesy of PvPandaa / Reddit

There’s just no un-seeing Angelica. In our heads, she will always be the spoiled, devious blonde. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that she’s the popular kid in high school. But we had always thought she would rely on her brain, rather than her body, to win her way around the school. Thank you, whoever you are, for ruining our image of Angelica Pickles!