Expanding The College Football Playoff

By Shane R

(C) Pexels

Now that the College Football Playoff is over from the 2020 season, it is time to talk about expansion. If you are a football lover, you would love some more football, would you not? Well, the College Football Playoff has been stuck around 4 top teams year after year. But, it is time to talk more. Still, how much is the perfect number?

6 – Having 6 playoff teams that could make the playoff might spice some things up. This could include the top team from every Power 5 conference, as well as the next best runner-up from any conference. This certainly would ease the whining from the Power-5 conferences who do not all make the playoffs in years past. But, this will not slow the bickering from non-Power 5 conferences that have little to no chance to get in at this point. The first 4 teams could have a bye, and 5 and 6 play each other to get the #1 seed.

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8 – No byes in this playoff, but more teams are added with an 8-team playoff. Pick a team from every Power-5 conference that is tops, and then add in the next 3 best teams from the same conferences or non-Power 5 conferences. The little guys get a chance here, but probably only one non-Power 5 conference team gets in. Problems here will involve how to get all these games in with conference championships as well. A playoff format like this ends up being almost as many games as some NFL teams.

The end goal might be more, but this is a start. Hopefully, one of these formats will do. Then, we can all enjoy more college football.